Graduation Rate at Rochester

The graduation rate at Rochester University is 40.63%. 52 students have completed their degree out of 128 degree seeking candidates last year. The retention rate is 61% at Rochester University.
  • Graduation Rate: 40%
  • Retention Rate: 61%
  • Earning after 10 years of graduation: $39,000

Explorer Rochester University

Number of Completers and Graduation Rate by Gender

The graduation rate at Rochester University is 40%. The rate is based on number of completers within 150% normal time (For example, 6 years for 4-year bachelor's degree program). Total 52 students have completed their degree out of 128 candidates who seeking Bachelor degree. The next table shows the graduation rate and number of completers by degree type at Rochester University
Graduation Rate for Bachelor degree at Rochester University
Graduation Rate40.63%31.58%47.89%
Total Cohort1285771
Number of Completers521834
Number of Transfer-out000
Still Enrolled (not complete)422
No longer Enrolled (not complete)723735

Graduation Rate for Bachelor's Degree by Completion Time

The next table shows the graduation rate by completion time for bachelor's at Rochester University. The graduation rate in 100% normal time (in 4 years or less) is 17.19%, the 125% normal time (in 5 years) rate is 27.34%, and 150% normal time (in 6 years) rate is 39.06%
Graduation Rate By Completion Time for BS degree at Rochester University
in 4 years or less (100% normal time)17.19%12.28%21.13%
in 5 years (125% normal time)27.34%21.05%32.39%
in 6 years (150% normal time)39.06%29.82%46.48%

Average Earning After Graduation from Rochester University

The next table summarizes the average earning by years after graduation from Rochester University. After 6 years of graduation, the mean earning is $35,200 and, after 10 years of graduation, the mean earning is $39,000 for Rochester University graduates.
Mean Earning After Graduation By Time for Rochester University Graduate
After 6 Years$35,200$39,300$32,400
After 7 Years$32,800--
After 8 Years$37,200--
After 9 Years$37,100--
After 10 Years$39,000$47,400$33,800

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All data used in our site is from IPEDS (The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System), U.S. Department of Education, academic year 2022-2023