Graduation Rate at Congregation Talmidei Mesivta Tiferes Shmiel Aleksander

The graduation rate at Congregation Talmidei Mesivta Tiferes Shmiel Aleksander is 14.00%. 7 students have completed their degree out of 50 degree seeking candidates last year. The transfer-out rate is 40.00% where 20 students have transferred-out from the school. The retention rate is 94% at Congregation Talmidei Mesivta Tiferes Shmiel Aleksander.
  • Graduation Rate: 14%
  • Transfer-out Rate: 40%
  • Retention Rate: 94%

Explorer Congregation Talmidei Mesivta Tiferes Shmiel Aleksander

Number of Completers and Graduation Rate by Gender

The graduation rate at Congregation Talmidei Mesivta Tiferes Shmiel Aleksander is 14%. The rate is based on number of completers within 150% normal time (For example, 6 years for 4-year bachelor's degree program). Total 7 students have completed their degree out of 50 candidates who seeking Bachelor degree. The next table shows the graduation rate and number of completers by degree type at Congregation Talmidei Mesivta Tiferes Shmiel Aleksander
Graduation Rate for Bachelor degree at Congregation Talmidei Mesivta Tiferes Shmiel Aleksander
Graduation Rate14.00%14.00%nan%
Total Cohort50500
Number of Completers770
Number of Transfer-out20200
Still Enrolled (not complete)440
No longer Enrolled (not complete)19190

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All data used in our site is from IPEDS (The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System), U.S. Department of Education, academic year 2022-2023