Madonna University

#23 in Michigan

4-years Private College In Livonia, MI

The graduation rate at Madonna University is 49.28%. 103 students have completed their degree out of 209 degree seeking candidates last year. The transfer-out rate is 34.93% where 73 students have transferred-out from the school. The retention rate is 76%.
Graduation Rate
Graduation Rate49.28%
Transfer-out Rate34.93%
Retention Rate76%
Earning after 10 years of graduation$44,400
Number of Completers and Graduation Rate
The graduation rate at Madonna University is 49.28%. The rate is based on number of completers within 150% normal time (For example, 6 years for 4-year bachelor's degree program). Total 103 students have completed their degree out of 208 candidates who seeking Bachelor degree. Next table shows the graduation rate and number of completers by degree type at Madonna University.
Graduation Rate for Bachelor degree at Madonna University
Graduation Rate49.52%39.25%60.40%
Total Cohort208107101
Number of Completers1034261
Number of Transfer-out724329
Still Enrolled (not complete)211
No longer Enrolled (not complete)312110
Graduation Rate for Bachelor's Degree
Next table shows the graduation rate by completion time for bachelor's at Madonna University. The graduation rate in 100% normal time (in 4 years or less) is 25.96%, the 125% normal time (in 5 years) rate is 43.75%, and 150% normal time (in 6 years) rate is 48.56%.
Graduation Rate By Completion Time for BS degree at Madonna University
in 4 years or less (100% normal time)25.96%15.89%36.63%
in 5 years (125% normal time)43.75%32.71%55.45%
in 6 years (150% normal time)48.56%38.32%59.41%
Average Earning After Graduation
Next table summarizes the average earning by years after graduation for Madonna University graduates. After 6 years of graduation, the mean earning is $40,700 and, after 10 years of graduation, the mean earning is $44,400 for Madonna University graduates.
Mean Earning After Graduation By Time for Madonna University Graduate
After 6 Years$40,700$43,900$39,700
After 7 Years$39,100--
After 8 Years$43,600--
After 9 Years$39,600--
After 10 Years$44,400$50,400$42,500