Arkansas Colleges of Health Education

4-years Private College In Fort Smith, AR

Arkansas Colleges of Health Education offers 4 programs through Master's and Doctorate degrees/programs. The programs are offered only in on-site (classroom) education.
Major Programs
Number of Major Programs4 programs
Online ProgramsNot Offered
Offered Degrees/ProgramsMaster's, Doctorate
Offered Degrees at Arkansas Colleges of Health Education
Award LevelTotal Number of ProgramsAvailable Online ClassNumber of Completers
Master's Degree0038
Doctor's degree - professional practice30137
Popular Programs at Arkansas Colleges of Health Education
Degree, Major Programs and Completers
Master's Programs and Number of Completers
ProgramAvailable OnlineNumber of Completers
Biological and Biomedical Sciences [+] 38
Biological and Biomedical Sciences (other)38
Doctorate (Practice) Programs and Number of Completers
ProgramAvailable OnlineNumber of Completers
Health Services/Allied Health/Health Sciences [+] 137
Osteopathic Medicine/Osteopathy137
Occupational Therapy/Therapist0
Physical Therapy/Therapist0