Nebraska Best Colleges

Check out the best colleges in Nebraska and estimate chance to get it.

University of Nebraska-Lincoln is ranked top in the Nebraska Best Colleges ranking for academic year 2021-2022. Creighton University and College of Saint Mary are ranked second and third places.
The average SAT average score of the 10 Nebraska Best Colleges is 1,164 and ACT average scores is 23. The average acceptance rate of the schools is 80% and the average graduation rate is 58%. The average tuition & fees are $8,617 for in-state students and $27,304 for out-of-state students at the 10 Nebraska Best Colleges.
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Nebraska Best Colleges Comparison
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School Name
Test Scores
Highest Tuition
Lowest Tuition
Acceptance Rate
RankNameTest ScoresAcceptance RateTuitionStudent PopulationGraduation Rate
1University of Nebraska-Lincoln (90.3)Public,4-years Lincoln, Nebraska 1,210 (SAT)
24 (ACT)
78.64% $10,108 (in-state)
23,805 64%
2Creighton University (90.3)Private,4-years Omaha, Nebraska 1,320 (SAT)
29 (ACT)
75.69% $47,000 8,397 78%
3College of Saint Mary (90.0)Private,4-years Omaha, Nebraska - 64.58% $23,340 857 66%
4Concordia University-Nebraska (89.3)Private,4-years Seward, Nebraska 1,100 (SAT)
22 (ACT)
90.84% $39,330 3,047 59%
5University of Nebraska at Kearney (88.8)Public,4-years Kearney, Nebraska 1,100 (SAT)
22 (ACT)
85.99% $8,302 (in-state)
6,041 54%
6University of Nebraska at Omaha (88.6)Public,4-years Omaha, Nebraska - 85.86% $8,370 (in-state)
15,058 49%
7Nebraska Wesleyan University (86.2)Private,4-years Lincoln, Nebraska 1,090 (SAT)
25 (ACT)
81.48% $41,658 1,688 59%
8Doane University (84.6)Private,4-years Crete, Nebraska - 75.83% $40,491 1,879 61%
9Wayne State College (83.6)Public,4-years Wayne, Nebraska - $7,688 (in-state)
4,773 51%
10Bellevue University (82.6)Private,4-years Bellevue, Nebraska - $8,886 13,841 40%
Average1,164 (SAT)
23 (ACT)
80% $8,617 (in-state)
Number of Schools