Kansas Best Colleges

Check out the best colleges in Kansas and estimate chance to get it.

Baker University is ranked top in the Kansas Best Colleges ranking for academic year 2021-2022. Kansas State University and Pittsburg State University are ranked second and third places.
The average SAT average score of the 10 Kansas Best Colleges is 1,071 and ACT average scores is 21. The average acceptance rate of the schools is 84% and the average graduation rate is 54%. The average tuition & fees are $9,197 for in-state students and $27,308 for out-of-state students at the 10 Kansas Best Colleges.
Number of Schools
Kansas Best Colleges Comparison
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School Name
Test Scores
Highest Tuition
Lowest Tuition
Acceptance Rate
RankNameTest ScoresAcceptance RateTuitionStudent PopulationGraduation Rate
1Baker University (90.1)Private,4-years Baldwin City, Kansas - 91.75% $33,900 2,105 47%
2Kansas State University (89.6)Public,4-years Manhattan, Kansas - 95.14% $10,942 (in-state)
19,722 68%
3Pittsburg State University (89.5)Public,4-years Pittsburg, Kansas - 86.18% $8,008 (in-state)
5,858 55%
4Newman University (89.4)Private,4-years Wichita, Kansas - 51.03% $35,500 2,848 51%
5MidAmerica Nazarene University (89.1)Private,4-years Olathe, Kansas 1,035 (SAT)
20 (ACT)
66.82% $36,120 1,508 41%
6Fort Hays State University (88.8)Public,4-years Hays, Kansas 1,070 (SAT)
20 (ACT)
88.02% $5,633 (in-state)
12,949 50%
7Bethel College-North Newton (88.4)Private,4-years North Newton, Kansas 940 (SAT)
22 (ACT)
97.15% $34,002 497 52%
8University of Kansas (87.7)Public,4-years Lawrence, Kansas 1,210 (SAT)
24 (ACT)
87.84% $11,700 (in-state)
26,708 67%
9Wichita State University (85.7)Public,4-years Wichita, Kansas 1,100 (SAT)
22 (ACT)
94.85% $9,322 (in-state)
16,216 51%
10Washburn University (85.2)Public,4-years Topeka, Kansas - $9,578 (in-state)
5,460 54%
Average1,071 (SAT)
21 (ACT)
84% $9,197 (in-state)
Number of Schools