Claremore Beauty College

Claremore Beauty College was a Private, Less than 2 years located in Claremore, OK. It is closed in 2018 and no longer accepting new applications. The information on this page is based on the data of the last active school year at Claremore Beauty.

Claremore Beauty College Overview

Claremore Beauty College (referred to as Claremore Beauty) was a Private, Less than 2 years school located in Claremore, OK. and it was a non-degree granting school. The tuition & fees at Claremore Beauty College was $9,900. The school had a total enrollment of 24 and students to faculty ratio is 10.00% (10 to 1).
Claremore Beauty College Basic Information
Address200 N Cherokee Ave, Claremore, OK
Offered ProgramsUndergraduate
Student Population24
Student to Faculty Ratio10 to 1

Tuition, Fees, Financial Aid

The undergraduate tuition & fees at Claremore Beauty College was $9,900.
Claremore Beauty College Tuition & Fees
Tuition & Fees$9,900

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All data used in our site is from IPEDS (The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System), U.S. Department of Education, academic year 2022-2023