Criminal Justice and Corrections Program

In United States, 8 schools offer Criminal Justice and Corrections program. The average tuition & fees at the schools is $7,659. The average annual age after completing Criminal Justice and Corrections program is $119,298.

2023 Average Tuition for Criminal Justice and Corrections Programs

Total 8 schools offer the Criminal Justice and Corrections programs. Its average tuition & fees is $7,659. In public schools, the tuition & fees is $4,190 for State residents and $7,039 for out-of-state students. In private schools the costs for the Criminal Justice and Corrections program is $12,000.
2023 Tuition & Fees of Criminal Justice and Corrections programs
Tuition & Fees
In-State (public schools)$4,190
Out-of-State (public schools)$7,039
Private schools$12,000

Average Income after Completing Criminal Justice and Corrections Program

The annual average wage after completing Criminal Justice and Corrections is $119,298 and hourly $50.92. This statistics is based on the employment and wage data (May 2019) from Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Next table shows the possible occupation and job list with average income having Criminal Justice and Corrections degree/certificate.
Average Income of Criminal Justice and Corrections Career
Occupation/Job TitleHourly WageAnnul Wage
Miscellaneous Managers$67.88$141,190
Managers, All Other$67.88$141,190
Law Teachers, Postsecondary$133,950
Information Security Analysts$57.63$119,860
Administrative Services Managers$55.59$115,640
Administrative Services and Facilities Managers$54.06$112,440
Computer and Information Analysts$53.15$110,550
Computer Systems Analysts$51.70$107,530
Facilities Managers$50.95$105,970
Miscellaneous Computer Occupations$50.32$104,660

Sub Programs of Criminal Justice and Corrections

Check out sub programs and/or concentrated Criminal Justice and Corrections programs.
Instructional programs that focus on the principles and procedures for providing homeland security, police, fire, and other safety services and managing penal institutions
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A program that prepares individuals to study the theories and principles, of correctional science and to function as professional corrections officers and other workers in public and/or private incarceration facilities
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A program that prepares individuals to apply theories and practices of organization management and criminal justice to the administration of public law enforcement agencies and operations. Includes instruction in law enforcement history and theory, operational command leadership, administration of public police organizations, labor relations, incident response strategies, legal and regulatory responsibilities, budgeting, public relations, and organizational leadership
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A program that focuses on the criminal justice system, its organizational components and processes, and its legal and public policy contexts. Includes instruction in criminal law and policy, police and correctional systems organization, the administration of justice and the judiciary, and public attitudes regarding criminal justice issues
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A program that prepares individuals to perform the duties of police and public security officers, including patrol and investigative activities, traffic control, crowd control and public relations, witness interviewing, evidence collection and management, basic crime prevention methods, weapon and equipment operation and maintenance, report preparation and other routine law enforcement responsibilities
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A program that prepares individuals to perform routine inspection, patrol and crime prevention services for private clients. Includes instruction in the provision of personal protection as well as property security
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A program that prepares individuals to specialize in the provision of correction services to underage minor populations. Includes instruction in corrections, juvenile delinquency, juvenile development and psychology, juvenile law and justice administration, social services, record-keeping procedures, and communication skills
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A program that prepares individuals to plan, manage, and supervise services providing private security protection for people and property and related investigative and consulting functions. Includes instruction in security and loss prevention services, private security and investigation techniques, security technologies, personnel management, business operations, marketing, applicable law and regulations, and client relations
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A program that prepares individuals to plan and manage institutional facilities and programs for housing and rehabilitating prisoners in the public and/or private sectors. Includes instruction in the principles and practice of correction, facilities planning and management, safety and security, social and health services, staff and inmate management, budgeting, communication skills, correctional psychology, and applications to specific types of correctional facilities approaches
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A program focusing on the principles, procedures, techniques, legal concerns, and problems associated with a criminal investigation. Includes instruction in administrative law and procedures, courtroom evidence management and preparation, case presentation and court testimony, description and identification, state and federal criminal law and procedures, informant and suspect rights, officer liability, informant and witness management, victim awareness, tactical interviewing, psychology, criminal investigation methods and procedures, report writing and documentation, investigative techniques, and case management
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A program focusing on the principles and techniques for dealing with police emergencies such as hostage situations, bomb threats, barricades and terrorist incidents. Includes instruction in crisis management, command procedures, incident containment, information collection and debriefing, first responder negotiation, victim and criminal psychology, site survey and surveillance, special weapons and tactics, interagency communications and joint operations, pre-confrontation and contingency planning, assault and rescue operations, security and crowd control, media relations, and post-operation procedures
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A program focusing on the principles and techniques of providing physical security protection to clients in various environments and situations. Includes instruction in security intelligence and information resources, operations planning and surveying, operations security, weapons and explosives, defense and offense techniques, security and surveillance systems, communications systems, perimeter and access control, weapons of mass destruction, contingency planning, crowd control, cover and evacuation, combat and vehicle techniques, and applicable legal and administrative responsibilities.
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Any instructional program in Corrections and Criminal Justice which is not categorized in sub area
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A program focusing on the application of fire science and technology to problems of reducing fire risk, limiting loss, supervising substance removal, conducting safety inspections and investigations, and advising on matters of safety procedures and fire prevention policy. Includes instruction in fire behavior, fire simulation, structural risk assessment, materials analysis, detection and suppression systems, smoke management, supply and evacuation, public education, legal aspects of fire prevention, and related research and communications methods
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A program focusing on the principles, theory, and practices associated with the management of fire operations, firefighting services, and community fire issues. Includes instruction in fire protection history and theory, incident command leadership, administration of public fire organizations, labor relations, emergency medical services management, fire emergency response strategies and mitigation, legal and regulatory responsibilities, budgeting, public relations, and organizational leadership
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A program focusing on the theory and practice of fires and fire-fighting. Includes instruction in fire chemistry and physics, combustible materials, computer science, building construction, fire codes and related laws, fire hydraulics, fire command, fire prevention/inspection, fire protection systems, fire suppression systems, fire/arson investigation, occupational safety, equipment operation, emergency medicine and communications
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A program focusing on the principles and practice of firefighting systems, building construction and related resources as applied to fire prevention, control, and mitigation. Includes instruction in fire hydraulics and dynamics, fire protection structures and systems design, fire behavior and combustion, fire protection hydraulics and water supply, fire protection equipment and systems, building construction for fire protection, and fire apparatus
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A program focusing on the theory and principles of fire combustion and behavior applied to the analysis of fires and their causes. Includes instruction in fire behavior and combustion, fire dynamics, hazardous materials chemistry, incendiary fire analysis, fire-related human behavior, forensic procedures, investigative techniques, case management and case preparation
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A program focusing on the application of fire science, firefighting and investigation to the prevention, control and mitigation of wildland fires and the analysis of causes. Includes instruction in fire science and behavior, wildland environments, meteorology, wildland fire hydraulics and dynamics, water and chemical supply systems, wildland firefighting operations, airborne firefighting, firebreak engineering, communications systems, wildland arson, forensic procedures, wildland fire prevention, investigation techniques, case management and preparation
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Any instructional program in Fire Protection which is not categorized in sub area
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A program focusing on security policy, planning and operations dedicated to the protection of U.S. territory, assets, infrastructure, institutions and citizens from external threats. Includes instruction in national security policy, government relations, intelligence, law enforcement, security technology, communications and information technology, homeland security planning and operations, disaster planning and applications to specific threat scenarios
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A program focusing on the application of the incident command system model to formulating and implementing effective response to natural and man-made disasters. Includes instruction in contingency planning, hazard and risk assessment, joint operations, law and ethics, emergency response and recovery, event mitigation, emergency rescue and medical operations, incident command, terrorism and national security issues, law enforcement, relief administration, volunteer and citizen coordination, public relations and applications to specific types of incidents
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A program focusing on the design, planning and management of systems and procedures for protecting critical national physical and cyber infrastructure from external threats, including terrorism. Includes instruction in homeland security policy, critical infrastructure policy, information security, matrix vulnerability assessment, threat assessment, physical security, personnel security, operational security, contingency planning, case analyses of specific industries and systems, redundancy planning, emergency and disaster planning, security systems, and intelligence operations
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A program focusing on the study of terrorism as a global and national threat and the methods for analyzing and countering it. Includes instruction in psychology, cultural studies, terrorist history and organization, terrorist capabilities, terrorist finance and international money-laundering, threat assessment, intelligence operations, incident command systems, border security, emergency response, joint operations, surveillance and communications systems, cyberterrorism, weapons of mass destruction, counterterrorist operations, and applications to specific terrorist organizations and threats
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Any instructional program in Homeland Security which is not categorized in sub area
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A program that focuses on the application of clinical and criminal laboratory science, investigative techniques, and criminology to the reconstruction of crimes and the analysis of physical evidence. Includes instruction in laboratory science, laboratory procedures, criminology and police science, evidentiary testing and analysis, computer applications, record-keeping, reconstruction techniques, evidence handling and storage, and applications to specific types of evidence and crimes
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A program focusing on the principles and techniques used to identify, search, seize and analyze digital media and to conduct cyber investigations against criminal and terrorist activity. Includes instruction in computer boot processes and drives, jumper setting, file access and reconstruction, hacking, network systems, cryptography, programming, investigative techniques, forensic imagery, web-based investigation methods, cyberterrorism, and applicable laws and administrative procedures
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A program focusing on the principles and techniques of conducting investigations into financial crime, terrorist activity, and the analysis and use of accounting data as evidence. Includes instruction in the principles of accounting, investigative auditing, computer investigations, accounting system documents and software, business corruption, criminal and terrorist financial networks, international money markets and movement, net worth analysis, financial fraud, exposing concealed assets, records seizure, fraud and money laundering statutes, fraud case initiation, case management, and case presentation
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A program that focuses on the application of the physical, biomedical, and social sciences to the analysis and evaluation of physical evidence, human testimony and criminal suspects. Includes instruction in forensic medicine, forensic dentistry, anthropology, psychology, entomology, pathology, forensic laboratory technology and autopsy procedures, DNA and blood pattern analysis, crime scene analysis, crime scene photography, fingerprint technology, document analysis, witness and suspect examination procedures, applicable law and regulations, and professional standards and ethics
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A program focusing on the preparation of law enforcement personnel to perform intelligence and surveillance operations and to analyze and use data collected via such operations. Includes instruction in the intelligence cycle, information sources, data retrieval, digital investigation, financial investigations, document analysis, external sources, geographic information systems, link analysis, operation planning and security, case management, applicable law and regulations, and case preparation
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Any instructional program in Homeland Security, Law Enforcement, Firefighting and Related Protective Services which is not categorized in sub area
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Criminal Justice and Corrections Career Schools

Cabrillo College

Public, 2-4 years
Aptos, CA

Tuition: $9,910
Population: 9,149
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Taylor Business Institute

Private, 2-4 years
Chicago, IL

Tuition: $12,000
Population: 175
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Colby Community College

Public, 2-4 years
Colby, KS

Tuition: $5,736
Population: 1,380
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Montcalm Community College

Public, 2-4 years
Sidney, MI

Tuition: $12,420
Population: 1,603
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Wayne County Community College District

Public, 2-4 years
Detroit, MI

Tuition: $4,067
Population: 12,219
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Southern State Community College

Public, 2-4 years
Hillsboro, OH

Tuition: $10,368
Population: 1,947
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Tennessee College of Applied Technology-Elizabethton

Public, 2-4 years
Elizabethton, TN

Tuition: $3,936
Population: 495
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Wilton Simpson Technical College

Public, Less than 2 years
Brooksville, FL

Tuition: $2,838
Population: 78
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All data used in our site is from IPEDS (The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System), U.S. Department of Education, academic year 2022-2023