Top Arts Music Design Schools Ranking

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Arts Music Design Schools Statistics

There are 146 Arts Music Design Schools - 2 public and 144 private schools. The 2023 average undergraduate tuition & fees of the schools is $29,852 and the average graduate tuition & fees is $38,780. The average SAT scores of enrolled students is 1,250 and the average acceptance rate is 63% for Top Arts Music Design Schools Ranking.
The next table shows the key academic facts for all Arts Music Design Schools. You may want to check more statistics and compare all Arts Music Design Schools at Arts Music Design Schools Statistics page.
2022-2023 Arts Music Design Schools Statistics
Top 20 Arts Music Design SchoolsAll Arts Music Design Schools
Number of Schools20 schools
(1 public, 19 private)
146 schools
(2 public, 144 private)
Undergraduate Tuition & Fees$9,477 (in-state)
$39,155 (out-of-state)
$12,219 (in-state)
$29,852 (out-of-state)
Graduate Tuition & Fees$12,676 (in-state)
$40,817 (out-of-state)
$18,698 (in-state)
$38,780 (out-of-state)
Average Financial Aid$17,251$12,498
Test Scores1,304 SAT, 27 ACT 1,250 SAT, 26 ACT
Acceptance Rate51.84% 63.18%
Yield (Enrollment Rate)42.84% 36.19%
Graduation Rate69.18%61.44%
Transfer-out Rate15.79%14.90%
Students to Faculty Ratio7.00 to 110.91 to 1

Top Arts Music Design Schools Comparison

The next table lists the top 20 Arts Music Design Schools for academic year 2022-2023. The Colburn Conservatory of Music ranked top in the Top Arts Music Design Schools Ranking and Curtis Institute of Music and The Juilliard School follows it. The 2023 average tuition & fees is $39,155 for undergraduate programs $40,817 for graduate programs. The average SAT score of the top Arts Music Design Schools is 1,304 and the acceptance rate is 51.84%. The average students to faculty ratio is 7.00 to 1 for top Arts Music Design Schools. You can sort the schools by clicking column name that you want to sort.
2022-2023 Top Arts Music Design Schools Comparison
Rank*NameTuition & FeesAverage Financial AidPopulationAcceptance RateTest ScoresStudents to Faculty Ratio
1 The Colburn Conservatory of Music
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Private, 4-yearsLos Angeles, CA
$50,741 - 120- - 5 to 1
2 Curtis Institute of Music
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Private, 4-yearsPhiladelphia, PA
$6,000 $14,289 1517% - 2 to 1
3 The Juilliard School
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Private, 4-yearsNew York, NY
$56,550 $37,413 9869% - 4 to 1
4 Rhode Island School of Design
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Private, 4-yearsProvidence, RI
$59,760 $33,758 2,62014% 1,490 SAT
32 ACT
9 to 1
5 Harrington College of Design
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Private, 4-yearsChicago, IL
$16,874 - 9- - 1 to 1
6 University of North Carolina School of the Arts
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Public, 4-yearsWinston Salem, NC
$10,946 1,10433% 1,250 SAT
26 ACT
6 to 1
7 San Francisco Conservatory of Music
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Private, 4-yearsSan Francisco, CA
$54,550 $29,697 43752% - 3 to 1
8 Pratt Institute-Main
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Private, 4-yearsBrooklyn, NY
$59,683 $24,577 5,49453% 1,330 SAT
30 ACT
9 to 1
9 California Jazz Conservatory
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Private, 4-yearsBerkeley, CA
$23,700 $7,103 23100% - 4 to 1
10 College for Creative Studies
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Private, 4-yearsDetroit, MI
$51,355 $22,372 1,51793% - 10 to 1
11 Pittsburgh Institute of Mortuary Science Inc
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Private, 2-4 yearsPittsburgh, PA
$26,075 $2,615 37249% - 13 to 1
12 Minneapolis College of Art and Design
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Private, 4-yearsMinneapolis, MN
$43,824 $24,195 82148% 1,280 SAT
23 ACT
9 to 1
13 Manhattan School of Music
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Private, 4-yearsNew York, NY
$54,600 $24,804 1,11540% - 6 to 1
14 Los Angeles College of Music
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Private, 4-yearsPasadena, CA
$25,650 $8,769 23981% - 5 to 1
15 The New England Conservatory of Music
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Private, 4-yearsBoston, MA
$58,550 $21,601 79643% - 5 to 1
16 Savannah College of Art and Design
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Private, 4-yearsSavannah, GA
$40,595 $11,938 16,41484% 1,170 SAT
24 ACT
20 to 1
17 California Institute of the Arts
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Private, 4-yearsValencia, CA
$56,724 $20,801 1,44026% - 7 to 1
18 Beverly Hills Design Institute
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Private, 4-yearsBeverly Hills, CA
$23,220 $4,277 20- - 5 to 1
19 KD Conservatory College of Film and Dramatic Arts
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Private, 2-4 yearsDallas, TX
$18,080 $4,995 10262% - 10 to 1
20 Design Institute of San Diego
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Private, 4-yearsSan Diego, CA
$29,350 $6,360 10188% - 7 to 1
$17,251 33,88151.84% 1,304 SAT 7.00 to 1
*Ranking data provided by CollegeEvaluator.
All data used in our site is from IPEDS (The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System), U.S. Department of Education, academic year 2022-2023