Virgin Islands Colleges Comparison

Compare between Virgin Islands colleges with tuition, admission, and more comprehensive college information.

The average SAT score of the Virgin Islands colleges is 895 and average ACT scores is 22. The average acceptance rate of the schools is 97% and the average graduation rate is 27%. The average tuition & fees are $5,617 for in-state students and $15,521 for out-of-state students at the schools.
University of the Virgin Islands has the highest test score with 895 (SAT) and 22 (ACT). University of the Virgin Islands is the tightest school to admit among Virgin Islands colleges with 96.90% acceptance rate and University of the Virgin Islands is the largest school with total student population of $1,636. University of the Virgin Islands has the highest tuition & fees with $15,521 among Virgin Islands colleges.
Virgin Islands Colleges Comparison
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4 Years
2-4 Years
Less than 2 Years
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Acceptance Rate
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SAT/ACT Scores
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Lowest Tuition
Acceptance Rate
NameTest ScoresAcceptance RateTuitionStudent PopulationGraduation Rate
University of the Virgin IslandsPublic,4-yearsCharlotte Amalie, Virgin Islands 895 (SAT)
22 (ACT)
96.90% $5,612 (in-state)
1,636 27%
University of the Virgin Islands-Albert A. SheenPublic,4-yearsSt. Croix, Virgin Islands - - $5,622 (in-state)
- -
Average895 (SAT)
22 (ACT)
97% $5,617 (in-state)