Northern Marianas Colleges Comparison

Compare between Northern Marianas colleges with tuition, admission, and more comprehensive college information.

The average SAT score of the Northern Marianas colleges is 0 and average ACT scores is 0. The average acceptance rate of the schools is 0% and the average graduation rate is 37%. The average tuition & fees are $4,038 for in-state students and $5,520 for out-of-state students at the schools.
has the highest test score with 0 (SAT) and (ACT). is the tightest school to admit among Northern Marianas colleges with % acceptance rate and Northern Marianas College is the largest school with total student population of $1,297. Northern Marianas College has the highest tuition & fees with $5,520 among Northern Marianas colleges.
Northern Marianas Colleges Comparison
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4 Years
2-4 Years
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SAT/ACT Scores
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SAT/ACT Scores
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Acceptance Rate
NameTest ScoresAcceptance RateTuitionStudent PopulationGraduation Rate
Northern Marianas CollegePublic,4-yearsSaipan, Northern Marianas - - $4,038 (in-state)
1,297 37%
Average- $4,038 (in-state)